Liquid Nitrogen


Orders are to be placed on their own. To place an order please log into Jaggaer.

Once you have placed your order you will receive an order confirmation email.

Once you have received the confirmation contact the Store by phone or email to arrange a time to collect.

IMPORTANT: Please do not call store until you have received your confirmation email.

Liquid nitrogen is dispensed from room LG071, located in the E26 loading dock. 

IMPORTANT: Liquid nitrogen will not be dispensed to those without correct PPE or vessel.

You must refer to this Quick Guide for transport and filling operations.


Liquid nitrogen is dispensed from SEB, E8 & Chemical Science F10 loading dock.

IMPORTANT: Liquid nitrogen will not be dispensed to those without correct PPE or vessel.

You must refer to this Quick Guide for transport and filling operations.


Procedure for SEB, E8 Orders

Orders are to be placed on their own. To place an order please log into Jaggaer.

Once you have placed your order bring the vessel to the Store for filling.

You will receive an order confirmation once ready to collect. 

Urgent? Discuss with Store staff when you bring vessel to Store.


Procedure for Chemical Science F10 Orders

Orders are to be placed on their own. To place an order please log into Jaggaer. 

Authorised users-self fill - this is for users who are trained and are authorised to complete their own fill. 

Store Staff Refill - this is for untrained users who require Store staff to fill.

Once you have placed your order bring the vessel to the F10 filling location in loading dock for filling.

You will receive an order confirmation once ready to collect. 

Urgent? Discuss with Store staff when you bring vessel to Store.