Store Orders

All Store orders are placed via the UNSW Hazardous Management System, Jaggaer - ERM Researcher.

Log in to Jaggaer via the above link to view our full catalogue.

Visit the Jaggaer Chemical Inventory Management website to find your School Administrator who can provide access, otherwise email jaggaercim@unsw.edu.au.

The full catalogue is available via Jaggaer. Some of these items are listed here.

You can also contact: 

Upper Campus Store

Email: stores@unsw.edu.au  

Phone: (02) 9385 2007 

Lower Campus Store

Email: chemistry.store@unsw.edu.au

Phone:  (02) 9385 4695

Yes. Most of our products listed in catalogue have pictures, alternatively if you have further questions on a particular product, you may visit the Store. The Store can get very busy so as a courtesy it would be best if you could please call or email the Store and advise of your enquiry and arrange a time to visit.

Once an order is processed an email will be sent to the account used to place the order. Chemical orders will be deleted if not collected same day. Please see our ordering and collection procedures page for important collection details.

Please refer to the services page and follow the links to the specific product/service for more information. 

Yes you can. Please view our returns policy here.

Please forward an email to the Store with item details, expected usage and quote if you have one.

This is then added to a list and a usage analysis will be conducted. Please note, only high turnover items will be added.

The administrator for your area or the appointed Jaggaer administrator for your area will be able to update your details as needed. These details can be found here.

Yes. You can order from both the Upper and Lower campus Stores regardless of your location. You can collect from the Store directly.

No. These orders are processed by each individual department. Once the order is processed depending on your location, it is then delivered to the Store, you will be notified to collect. If you do not receive an email to collect, we have not received it and you will need to speak with your area administrator, purchasing officer, or supplier.

You will need to gain Proof of Delivery (POD) from the supplier so we can confirm if we have received it and where to further investigate. Without this it is hard to confirm if, when and where the delivery was received.


Upper Campus Store

E26, Bioscience South

LG018 Loading Dock,

Via Gate 11 Botany Street,

UNSW, Kensington, Sydney, NSW, 2052


Lower Campus Store

GQ13, E8 SEB. Bldg

Via Gate 2, High Street,

UNSW, Kensington, Sydney, NSW, 2052

You will receive an email from Stores staff once your delivery has arrived. We ask that you please do not call or visit the store if you have not received an email.

If you do not receive an email it means that your order has not been received in Store. Store will try every effort to contact you or your lab if not collected by 3:30pm. It is greatly appreciated if you collect your order as soon as you can, all orders are to be collected by 3:45pm each day.

If you expect you will not be available to collect your delivery please make alternate arrangements/contacts and advise the Store so we can send notification to the correct person/people.

Please see our location page for map reference.

Yes. For deliveries (external orders) please contact Stores via phone or email and advise of your alternate arrangement. For Store orders (ordered directly from Store) you will need to make your own in house arrangements as the confirmation email will only be set to the person who has placed the order. The system does not have the capabilities to assign more than one email on those accounts ordering directly from the Store.

It is appreciated that you collect your delivery as soon as you are notified so they are handled with care and stored correctly as per instructions.

All cold deliveries are to be collected same day as delivered. The Store has a cold storage facility and can keep your delivery until next day in certain circumstances. Frozen deliveries (-20 and -80) will need to be collected same day as there is no storage available.

If you are expecting a cold delivery any time after 3:30pm please contact the Store and advise or make alternative arrangements.

All chemical orders must be collected same day as delivery. It is important they are collected for safety reasons.

Please advise the Store immediately if you expect a delay in collection or advise on alternate arrangements.

No. The Store will only receive in the loading dock, you will need to arrange to collect directly from the Store.

No. The Store can advise on who may be best suited for your requirements however, this is done directly by you. Once you have arranged a collection please bring to the Store ASAP. Courier services can also be accessed via UNSW Mail Centre.